当前位置 首页 午夜片 《放纵前的彩排》



主演:Cory Brandon Joey Camen Rick 

导演:Harry Hurwitz 



A《达达兔兔影院-手机电影网》 pseudo-documentary about the processes involved in putting together and casting actors and actresses for a porn film. Although several actual porn stars are in the film, it is not a porn film itself.Run an ad in a paper. "Open tryouts for Porn Movie". See who shows up. Put them in a frilly pink bedroom or a dark dungeon. Each room has a one way mirror and speaker that lets the producer see and talk to the hopeful porn actor/actress. Let the fun begin.This film is fascinating! Not as porn but as a window into human behavior. A disembodied voice tells you to take off all your clothes, and promises that if you masturbate you will be in the movies. What do you do?You are a producer and you tell a guy to take off all his clothes. This process reveals his pistol. Not the kind of gun you are expecting to see. What do you do?Move from solo tryouts, to couples call backs, to group grope final scenes. The intensity just keep growing. And some interesting sides of human nature are revealed.The sex is so-so. The whole concept and execution is absolutely first rate. This is a must see.

美国最新午夜片《放纵前的彩排》由 Harry Hurwitz  执导。三年片影院为广大网友收集了2022年由 Cory Brandon Joey Camen Rick Cassidy  等领衔主演的放纵前的彩排在线观看,三年片影院还支持手机看免费高清版放纵前的彩排,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。


